No. Only digital eBooks for download on mobile phones or tablets are available for sale in the DHF Digital Bookstore. If you wish to receive a paperback guidebook in the mail, we suggest you purchase from Amazon.
Once you pay through PayPal, you will receive a purchase confirmation email and you will be directed to the purchase confirmation page. There, you can download the digital eBook(s).
You can download eBooks immediately on the Confirmation page. Or you can access these products at a later time, through the purchase confirmation email.
There are 5 download attempts for each individual eBook.
This download limit spans different devices. So, if you want to download the eBook on your smartphone and then on your computer, you’re able to do so, but you'll be limited to 5 downloads. However, if you want to access the eBook(s) from the same device, the number of downloads won’t be limited.
We encourage you to thoroughly check your email inboxes. Sometimes emails end up in junk or spam folders.
You may not have received your email if:
If you are still unable to find the email after thoroughly checking your email inboxes, please send an email with the order details to